Faculty Favorite Things 2023-24
My Name
Response: Kristi Newton
Grade or Type of Faculty

What is your position?

Response: Special Education
My Birthday (month and day)
Response: 12/25
Response: gardening, reading, traveling, being outside, birding, tennis, painting
Favorite Color(s)
Response: i love all colors!
From what store would you most like to receive a gift card (department stores, hobby stores, salon, etc)
Response: Amazon
Favorite Restaurant
Response: Chuys
Favorite Starbucks/Sonic Drink
Response: Chai Latte, Brevi, extra pumps
Favorite Flowers
Response: succulents, peonies, and anything that grows in or outside. HA!
Favorite Food
Response: mexican, indian, thai, italian, all!
Favorite Candy
Response: caramel m and m's, spree, gummies, ropes, skittles
Favorite Sweet Treats
Response: fruit, shaved ice, cake, pie, cookies, brownies
Favorite Things To Drink
Response: lemonade, flavored tea
Favorite Fragrance (specify kind for lotions, candles, etc)
Response: i love spicy scents, especially sandlewood
What items would you like for your classroom or office? From what store, website or catalog?
Response: oh heavens. i would love some matching bins for sensory breaks.
What Personal Item(s) would you like?
Response: i would love a new lunch bag.
What do you enjoy in your free time?
Response: i enjoy my family, friends, nature, animals
Shirt Size
Response: XXL
Amazon Wish List URL?
Response: i will have to figure this one out

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PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

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