As you shop for Back-to-School and throughout the upcoming year, please don't forget that there are so many easy ways for you to help CHEPTA earn money for our fabulous school!
There are many ways to support Castle Hills Elementary. Our PTA organizes a variety of fundraising programs offered by corporations and local businesses. Castle Hills Elementary financially benefits directly from these programs and events. With this support from local businesses, quality corporations, and generous families school wide, Castle Hills Elementary PTA is ready and able to add continued improvements to the Castle!
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, February 9
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
PTA Mission
PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.