Positions include:
1. 1st VP - Programs and Parent Education
2. Treasurer
3. Culture Night
4. Great Expectations
5. Health and Safety
6. Arts in Education
7. Volunteer Coordinator
8. Kingdom Tales Coordinator
9. All Grade Level Coordinators
10. Dragon Awards
11. School Support
12. Art Support
13. Yearbook
14. Council Delegate
General Requirements
- Must attend all CHE PTA meetings both board/regular membership (quorums are needed for all meetings).
- Must complete the Texas PTA Foundations Leadership Orientation.
- Must submit a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval.
- Must submit monthly status reports to the President for the Executive Board Meetings.
- Must maintain a procedure book including information on activities, programs, contacts, communications, statistics and budget.
Serve as the presiding officer of CHE PTA and preside over executive board and membership meetings. Directs the affairs of the association with integrity and a positive attitude in cooperation with the other members of the board for a (2) one year terms.
- Oversee all PTA functions.
- Coordinate work of officers and committees.
- Meet with principal to coordinate PTA activities.
- Appoint special committee members.
- Serve as a member ex-officio of all committees except Nominating and Financial Reconciliation.
This is an elected position.
1st VP - Programs & Parent Education
Organize and present programs which focus on interaction between parents, teachers, administrators, students and community members to inspire and support a sense of school community.
- Preside in the absence of the President.
- Act as aide to the president.
- Assume responsibility for the administrative details delegated by the president.
- Serve as chairman of the Programs/Parent Education committee.
- Plan/schedule/create/attend programs for the (5) PTA Regular Membership meetings. Find ways to incorporate student participation/performance at each meeting.
- September Meeting - sponsored by 1st Grade - Ice-cream Social - usually held the 1st week of September
- November Meeting – 3rd Thursday in November
- January Meeting - 3rd school day Thursday in January
- March Meeting – 3rd school day Tuesday in March
- May Meeting – 3rd Thursday in May – must fall after the May Board Meeting – musical performance of Mr. Isom’s choosing (Black Belt Recorders or Snapping Dragons)
- Plan/schedule/create/attend Parent Education programs as discussed with Principal. They should not be scheduled as the program for the PTA Regular Membership Meetings unless children can attend the program too.
- Actively participate in the planning and implementation of Science Night including helping with set-up and clean-up.
- Actively participate in the planning and implementation of Cultural Night including helping with the set-up and clean-up.
- Actively update the website with news, invitations, recaps and photos for: PTA Meetings (under Our PTA), Recent Announcements (under Our PTA), Science Night/Cultural Night (under Events), Past Events (Under Events)
- Work with the Volunteer Coordinator to set-up volunteers for each Regular Membership Meeting and all Parent Education events. Verify that volunteers have been set-up for Science Night and Cultural Night.
- Work with the Hospitality Chairman to coordinate the snacks for each event.
Responsible for Community Service, Science Night and Cultural Night subcommittees. This is an elected position.
2nd VP - Way & Means
Set and achieve fundraising goals that support PTA programs.
- Serve as chairman of the Ways & Means committee.
- Check the PTA mailbox daily.
- Check the PTA lockboxes by the workroom daily.
- Receive, reconcile and sign all bank statement.
- Train, assist, support and encourage subcommittees.
- Assist in the coordination and implementation of the Boosterthon Fun Run Fundraiser including helping set-up the day of the run, man the sign-in table the day of the run and help input data on the collection days.
- Attend Spirit Nights.
- Work with Spirit Wear to ensure full staffing coverage at Meet the Teacher, Candy Lane Carnival, Kindergarten Round-Up and the May PTA Regular Membership Meeting (end of the year closeout sale).
- Support the President and work with Board Members to encourage the success of their programs.
Responsible for Community Partners, Fundraising, Spirit Wear and Wrap Packs subcommittees.
This is an elected position.
3rd VP - Communications
Increase the effectiveness and proficiency of internal/external PTA communications.
- Oversee and direct the different avenues of communication available to the PTA.
- Request and receive all newsletter articles and submit them to Internal Communications.
- Approve the content for each newsletter after submitting it to the Principal and PTA President but before it is distributed to the membership.
- Request/receive/approve all requests for website updates, marquee updates, social media updates, posters, fliers, etc. Approval must be obtained from the Principal and PTA President before distribution to any committees or subcommittees for work.
- Verify that marquee changes are being made.
- Verify that website changes are being made.
- Verify that posts are made to the CHE PTA Facebook page at least once/week. Maintain a long-term schedule of possible posts that can be modified or added to by the communication needs of the Chairmen/Coordinators.
- Write and submit articles for placement in the Hawk Pride newsletter and the LISD East Zone newsletter. Seek Principal’s approval prior to submitting articles.
Responsible for Internal Communications and Website-content committees and the Social Media, Website-techical and Publicity subcommittees. This is an elected position.
Keep accurate records of the proceedings of the CHE PTA.
- Record the minutes of all PTA general and executive board meetings.
- Maintain a roll call record at executive board meetings and general meetings.
- Maintain PTA Board/Committee list.
- Responsible for correspondence.
- Maintain PTA calendar.
- Keep bylaws in order.
- Act as custodian of records pertinent to the history of CHE PTA and present a written report to the association as the official history to be adopted at the annual meeting.
- Maintain a list of names of those who have completed the Texas PTA Foundations Leadership Orientation, with the dates each course was completed.
- Maintain the adopted ethics/conflict of interest policy as signed by the current executive board members.
- Maintain PTA file system in the PTA Room and distribute mail from the PTA mailbox to the appropriate board member’s mail file.
Responsible for the Sunshine Fund. This is an elected position.
As authorized custodian of the funds of the association, receives and disburses all monies indicated in the budget and prescribed in the CHE PTA bylaws or as authorized by action of the association.
- Keep accurate records of all moneys received and disbursed including bank statements, budgets, invoices and canceled checks in accordance with the records retention policy.
- Report monthly to the PTA Executive Board all expenditures and income.
- Give accounting of all expenditures and income at PTA Regular Membership meetings.
- Sign on bank account as one of two required signatures on all checks.
- Pay all bills and deposit all moneys into the PTA checking account.
- File appropriate tax forms as needed.
- Present books to Financial Reconciliation Committee as requested.
- Serve as chairman of the Budget & Finance committee.
- Create and update the budget as authorized by the regular membership.
This is an elected position.
Advise on matters of parliamentary procedure and attend all Board and Regular Meetings. These meetings cannot proceed without the Parliamentarian being present. Make sure meetings are conducted as specified in the bylaws. Vote only when the vote is by ballot. This position is appointed by the President.
Standing Committees (Board Positions)
General Requirements
- Committees may have more than one member (“co-chairs”), but only one person is the actual chairman.
- Chairman must attend monthly CHE PTA Executive Board meetings (quorums are needed for all meetings).
- Chairman must attend Regular Membership meetings (quorums are needed for all meetings).
- Chairman must submit a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval.
- Chairman must be a graduate of Texas PTA Foundation Leader Orientation or complete the course by October 15.
- Chairman must submit monthly status reports to the President and keep the Executive Board informed on status of committee and subcommittee activities.
- Chairman must maintain a procedure book including information on activities, programs, contacts, communications, statistics and budget.
- Chairman must handle all aspects of assigned events/activities including scheduling volunteers and coordinating with the VP Communications for advertising in newsletter, website, fliers or social media.
Arts in Education
Promote artistic involvement within the CHE PTA and bring the arts to the children of Castle Hills Elementary. Organize and facilitate participation in Texas PTA artistic programs such as Reflections. Includes logging contest entries, helping with judge selection, assisting participants (as needed), and planning and coordinating recognition activities. Communicate participant progress through the various levels of competition. Work with VP Communications to publicize all activities. Coordinate an Art Night with instruction, exhibits, and hands-on art activities as requested. Responsible for the Reflections subcommittee and Family Art Night.
Promote environmental awareness initiatives that unite parents, students, teachers and campus administrators in an effort to protect children and their environment. Promote and expand the recycling program for the CHE cafeteria and classrooms. Coordinate and attend the annual planting of a tree at CHE with Kronda Thimesch at Green Meadows Landscape and with the school secretary. (event usually occurs the beginning of November). Must also order a tree marker. Must publicize information about the event through the Communications Committee (newsletter, website, Facebook, fliers, etc.) Tend to all annual trees with water and fertilizer as needed. Plan annual Walk/Bike to School Day including online registration, publicity and onsite coordination the day of the event. Recruit volunteers and serve as Chairman of the CHE “Green Team”. Send list of monthly environmental announcements to the teacher in charge of CHE morning announcements. Publicize and coordinate student participation in the LISD environmental program. Communicate environmental activity with LISD Council of PTAs Environmental Chairperson.
Faculty Appreciation
Coordinate and execute all Faculty Appreciation activities. Prepare and maintain budget. Coordinate with Volunteer Chairman for Welcome Back Breakfast. Coordinate with Grade Level Coordinators for 3 staff luncheons. Provide snacks for the staff in months with no luncheon. Coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Coordinate Faculty of the Month with Principal. Maintain Faculty of the Month bulletin board.
Increase student and parent awareness of safe and healthy lifestyle choices through engaging educational activities and practical tools for implementation. Promote general health and safety. Develop programs that promote healthy and safe lifestyles. Take the lead and collaborate with the school nurse and P.E. program to promote health and fitness education.
Coordinate Red Ribbon Week activities (last full week in October) – including a list of daily activities to celebrate the theme, create a flier to distribute in the Tuesday Newsday folders about the daily activities, schedule/coordinate/attend a school assembly with a speaker that is engaging for the students and meets the theme for the week, submit a newsletter article for the newsletter prior to Red Ribbon Week to communications@chepta.net, create/submit daily Facebook posts (with photos) to be sent out by CHE Communications, create a script to be performed each day of the Red Ribbon week on the CHE school announcements, submit a recap newsletter article after Red Ribbon Week that includes at least one photo to communications@chepta.net
Collaborate with the CHE PE coaches and coordinate Healthy Texas Week activities (first full week in April) – follow the same planning process as Red Ribbon Week. Collaborate with the CHE school nurse and coordinate Sun Safety Week activities (third full week in May) – follow the same planning process as Red Ribbon Week.
Promote an inviting and friendly atmosphere among PTA members and guests at PTA meeting and functions. Greet attendees and assist them with any questions or needs they may have. Coordinate meals/light refreshments for PTA regular membership meetings based on budget approval. Establish a team to set-up and clean-up for each PTA regular membership meeting. Coordinate grade level host student volunteers for each general PTA meeting. Coordinate an Ice Cream Social for the September PTA general meeting hosted by 1st Grade. Host a Welcome Back Coffee the first day of school (Donuts for Drop Off). Responsible for the Meet the Teacher, Kindergarten RoundUp and all Volunteer subcommittees.
Kingdom Tales (2)
Encourage a love of writing while promoting the school's self-sustaining publishing company. Prepare, deliver and collect participation forms from students. Prepare deposits for Treasurer. Create, prepare, deliver and collect tracking envelopes for books. Create and print all interior pages for books. Assemble and bind books along with Kingdom Tales Grade Level Coordinators. Prepare for Kingdom Tales receptions. Should be very comfortable using spreadsheets and mail merge. Responsible for all Kingdom Tales Grade Level Coordinators.
Internal Communications
Manage the newsletter (distributed 2x/month – 1st Tuesday and 3rd Tuesday), e-blasts and other communications often sent out via Membership Toolkit (MTK). Submit each newsletter to the VP of Communications for approval by the Principal and PTA President prior to distributing it to the PTA membership.Communicate to the PTA membership via e-blasts as directed by the VP of Communications. Reports to the VP Communications.
Promote membership in CHE PTA. Promote membership in CHE PTA at school events (Meet the Teacher, Grade level Orientations, etc.) Conduct ongoing enrollment of members throughout the year. Send National and Texas PTA portion of dues, accompanied by names of members, to the Texas PTA office when enrolled. Distribute membership cards and maintain membership lists. Lead Lifetime membership committee. Accept and review nominations, choose honorees, award recipients with certificates, pins and recognition bricks.
Room Representatives (2)
Oversee the activities of the Grade Level Coordinators (GLC) and all Room Moms. Solicit volunteers for these positions and other classroom helpers during Meet the Teacher. Work with GLCs and Room Moms to coordinate classroom parties (Winter, Valentine's Day, and End of School). Communicate party dates and guidelines established by the Principal. Coordinate teacher/staff birthday celebrations(classroom popsicle or popcorn party) with room moms. Responsible for the Grade Level Room Mom Coordinators subcommittee.
School Enrichment
Work with approved LISD After School Enrichment Program vendors. Coordinate with these vendors directly to provide a variety of after school experiences from companies such as Mad Science and Young Rembrandts. Review and obtain approval from CHE Principal and Secretary on class dates, flyers and room availability. Ensure distribution of flyers and registration forms to students. Get feedback from parents regarding programs and ensure a variety of classes are being offered. Responsible for the Destination ImagiNation, Family Math Night and Recognition Pins subcommittees.
School Support
Support CHE staff and school in order to enrich education for our children. Chairman of the Grant Committee - a special committee established each October to receive and review grants from the faculty and administration. (Committee is made up of the School Support Chairman, the President and 3 other Executive Board Members.) Award grants in a festive manner that creates excitement throughout the school that day. (ie, committee wears funny hats, costumes, balloons, etc.) Work with Assistant Principal to coordinate purchase of snacks for each day of STAAR testing. Work with administration to identify areas in need of support to recommend to the CH Education Foundation for funding. Oversee Coordinators of support activities. Responsible for the Yearbook, Art, Library, PE, and Science Support subcommittees.
Special Events
Coordinate a Fall Family Event and a Spring Family Event that brings parents and staff together while raising funds and school spirit for Castle Hills Elementary. Responsible for the Carnival and Spring Family Event subcommittees.
Website - Content
Manage all aspects of the CHE PTA website. Ensure that the website is current: updating at least once/week as needed with calendar changes, event updates, photos, etc. Make suggestions to VP of Communications, President and other members of the PTA Executive Board on how to improve the site aesthetically, technically or functionally. Maintain at least 3 months of the calendar at all times – preferably the entire year when possible. Actively seek information from the Chairmen/Coordinators to add to the website to make it robust. Each event should have its own page with a link from the calendar. Target PTA members, non-members, extended family, business owners, alumni, etc. for participation on the site. Create a smooth transition from one chairman to the next chairman. Responsible for the Website- Technical Subcommittee and the Publicity Subcommittee. Reports to the VP Communications.
Other Board Members
General Requirements
- Must attend monthly CHE PTA Executive Board meetings (quorums are needed for all meetings).
Council Delegate(1)
Serve as a liaison between the LISD Council of PTAs and the CHE board. Attend LISD Council of PTA general meeting and report back to CHE PTA board all relevant information. Submit a written report each month to the President for inclusion in the Executive Board meeting packet.
Teacher Representative (1)
Liaison between grade level teachers and CHE PTA. Communicate teachers' needs to CHE PTA. Keep communication open and accurate between teachers and CHE PTA.
Subcommittee Coordinators
General Requirements
- Must keep committee chairman updated on all subcommittee activities.
- Must handle all aspects of assigned events and activities including scheduling volunteers and coordinating with the VP Communications for advertising in newsletter, fliers or social media.
- Must maintain a procedure book including information on activities, programs, contacts, communications, statistics and budget.
Art Support
This position reports to the School Support chairman.
Castle Court Garden Liaison
This position reports to the president and is responsible for communicating the needs of the Castle Court Garden to the principal and the PTA Board. Check the garden every other week to see if there are any concerns that need to be brought to the principal’s attention or to the PTA. Attend the Big Event if there is a garden project selected as one of the service projects. Generally held the Saturday after Spring Break. Go up once a week in the summer and water the herb garden, the Indian Hawthornes, the butterfly garden and Mr. Stroud’s tree (located in the garden). A SignUp Genius could be set-up so the liaison doesn’t have to do it every week. Coordinate any projects for outdoor learning that the PTA creates and funds. May establish a committee to help with any projects. Does not have to attend PTA Board meetings but must submit monthly status reports to the PTA President upon request in preparation for Board meetings.
Organize, coordinate, and implement a school carnival (generally in October). Responsibilities include food, ticket sales, and booths. This position reports to the Special Events chairman.
Community Partners
Organize fundraising programs offered by corporations and local businesses. Includes grocery store cards, Box Tops for Education, and restaurant nights. Coordinate with the Principal to organize fundraising nights that directly benefit the school. Work with the Principal & Principal's Secretary to make sure all fundraiser nights are on the master schedule. Collect, collate and submit the Box Top submission in Fall and Spring according with their deadlines. Work with the Principal to announce Box Top winners. Make sure all fundraiser events and box top deadlines are advertised in the CHE PTA newsletter. This position reports to the VP Ways & Means.
Community Service
Work with community service organizations in supporting and promoting volunteer projects such as a holiday food drive or collecting school supplies. This position reports to the VP of Programs.
Develops and coordinates a cultural program that celebrates the diverse and unified aspects that make up our community. This position reports to the VP Programs.
Destination ImagiNation
Coordinate teams of students as they develop a presentation for district competition. This position reports to the School Enrichment chairman.
External Communications (social Media)
Manage all aspects of social media including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest as well as provide monthly content for the neighborhood newsletter. Publicize PTA and school activities and events as requested by committee/event chairs on multiple social media platforms. Submit PTA information and upcoming events monthly to the neighborhood newsletter (The Gatekeeper) in order to reach individuals that are not on public social media platforms. Reports to VP Communications.
Fifth Grade Events
(3) Volunteers plan and coordinate activities related to fifth grade. Activities include (but are not limited to) the CHE Float for HHS Homecoming, the game that HHS invites the 5th graders to attend, the winter parties, a spring HHS event, ordering the 5th grade Killian t-shirts, graduation ceremonies held at Killian and the end of year parties. This position reports to the Room Reps and is part of the GLC structure.
Organize, coordinate, and implement the major fundraiser for the CHE PTA (most recently the Boosterthon Fun Run). Work with the Principal to coordinate a successful fundraiser so that parents do not have to participate in more than one fundraiser each year. Work with the Principal to submit a project request for CHE PTA approval and funding. Request can be up to 30% of the profits from the fundraiser. Most activities will occur from September through November. Advertise the fundraiser in the CHE PTA Castle Courier newsletter, hang posters around the school. Make leader board in the theme of the fun run to generate excitement for the Fun Run, in general market the Fun Run so that our ONE fundraiser is successful. This position reports to the VP Ways&Means.
Grade Level Coordinators
Two per grade level (K/1st/2nd/3rd/4th). Responsibilities include (but are not limited to) planning and coordinating grade-level parties with Room Moms. Assist Faculty Appreciation chairman with assigned teacher luncheon. Perform other tasks as requested. This position reports to a Room Representatives chairman.
GReat expectations
Establish and maintain communication between the Great Expectations support staff, parents, students and PTA. Increase parent awareness of the GE mission and how the principles are implemented at CHE.
Maintain communication with the PTA Board about plans for sharing the GE mission and other activities.
Set Word/Quote of the Week calendar for the teachers with the principal. Represent GE at Meet the Teacher. Create and maintain 2 Bulletin Boards promoting student awareness of GE including weekly updates of the Word and Quote of the Week. Work with grade level teachers to obtain GE material to showcase at PTA meetings, in newsletters and on social media. Attend all PTA General Meetings and present how GE is implemented for the coordinating grade level host. Submit articles for newsletters and Facebook posts to Communications (such as GE Teacher Spotlight, Word and Quote of the Week, and general GE information).
Kindergarten Round-Up
Coordinate CHE PTA presence during Kindergarten Registration. Work with Membership, Spirit Wear and Volunteer committees to provide the information that incoming Kindergarten parents need to start the new school year.
KT Grade Level Coordinator
Reviews and edits rough drafts and final drafts for students in their assigned grade. This includes checking for formatting and content. Follows up with parents and/or students regarding missing or incorrect information. Trims and laminates cover art work for hard cover books. Assists in assembling and binding books. Prep and assist with Kingdom Tales receptions. This position reports to a Kingdom Tales Chairman.
Kingdom Tales Photographer
Takes photos for Author Page in Kingdom Tales book. Edits photo and delivers to Kingdom Tales Chairman. This position reports to a Kingdom Tales chairman.
Library Support
Library Support Coordinator is in close contact with the CHE librarian and facilitates all library volunteers for events. Also, helps with creative elements (decorating the library, fliers going home for annual events: Camp Wanna Read and Read Across America) that add to the involvement and enrichment of the students. Helps coordinate workers for Book Fair and acts as team volunteer lead and assists with training of workers. Offers than you gestures (small gifts, reception) for those who volunteer in the library. This position reports to the School Support chairman.
Lunchroom Coordinator
One per grade level (K/1st/2nd). Gather, schedule, and maintain a list of lunchroom volunteers. This position reports to the Volunteers chairman.
Meet the Teacher
Coordinate the resources and volunteers needed to execute the annual Meet the Teacher event at Castle Hills Elementary. Stay in close communication with the school regarding logistics (set up), hours for the event and execute specific requests from the Principal and CHE PTA Board. Accommodate resources and publicity for the Parent Only Orientations as well. This position reports to the Hospitality chairman.
Manage in-school promotions, bulletin board and posters. This positions reports to the VP Communications.
Recognition Pins
Develop and implement the Dragon Awards. Coordinate the purchase and distribution of the reward pins. Communicate the program to the faculty, students and parents to encourage the students to strive for excellence. Coordinate recognition days at the end of each grading period. Coordinate Grade Level assembly at the end of the school year. This position reports to the School Enrichment chairman.
Publicize and coordinate the Reflections competition. Includes logging contest entries, helping with judge selection, assisting participants (as needed), and planning and coordinating recognition activities. Communicate participant progress through the various levels of competition. This position reports to the Arts in Education chairman.
Science Night Coordinator
Plan and implement a Science Night for the families of Castle Hills. Work with the Science Teachers to develop a Science Night program. Work with the HHS Science National Honor Society to staff the event and bring different experiments to perform as well.
Reach out to different vendors, community presenters and parents in different fields of science to give demonstrations or perform experiments. Delegate to teachers, adults, and youth volunteers, and publicize the event.
Coordinate the date/time with the VP of Programs and the school secretary.
Establish a committee to help with the event.
Plan and execute the event.
Promote the event to the CHE student body, faculty and parents. Work with the Communication Committee on website, newsletter, posters, fliers, Facebook posts, etc.
Coordinate all activities the night of the event from set-up through clean-up.
This position reports to the 1st VP Programs.
Spirit Wear
Coordinate the sale of spirit wear items. Includes selecting vendors, creating (2) new designs each year, managing inventory and keeping in-stock shirts organized in the PTA storage closet. Keeping records for special orders. Staying within budget. Decorating and keeping the CHE display case up to date with the most recent spirit wear items – if the case is available. Managing sub-committee to have trained volunteers to sell spirit wear at major school events such as Castle Hills Women's Club Kids Expo, Meet the Teacher, Fall Carnival, and Kindergarten Round-Up and the May PTA Regular Membership Meeting (end of the year closeout sale). Must update website page on an as needed basis – at least once/month. Taking new pictures as necessary and discounting merchandise as necessary. Requires working closely with the Treasurer and e-coordinator to make sure sales tax is escrowed appropriately for sales that are not-tax free and working with the board to secure tax free sales date. Requires general knowledge of Treasurer's requirements for deposits, counting cash etc. Reports to VP of Ways & Means.
Spring Family Event
Organize, coordinate, and implement a Family Event (such as a pancake breakfast or spaghetti dinner) in the Spring. This position reports to the Special Events chairman.
Volunteers Coordinator
Gather and maintain a list of volunteers for various PTA events/programs and distribute to the appropriate committee chairman (gather through the PTA website and Meet the Teacher Nights).
Assist committee chairs with and distributing sign-up geniuses.
Submit Volunteer of the Month (every month).
Coordinate Wall of Veterans (in November).
These positions report to Hospitality Committee Chairman.
This position reports to Hospitality Committee Chairman.
Website - technical
Manage the chepta.net website on the Membership Toolkit (MTK) platform. Actively update the site with calendar changes, event updates, photos, etc. Create new pages as needed. Make suggestions to VP of Communications, President and other members of the Executive Board on how to improve the site aesthetically, technically or functionally. Provide technical support to those accessing and manipulating the website. Target PTA members, non-members, extended family, business owners, alumni, etc. for participation on the site. Create a smooth transition from one coordinator to the next coordinator. Reports to the VP of Communications.
Workroom Coordinator
Gather, schedule, and maintain a list of general work room volunteers. This position reports to the Volunteers coordinator.
Wrap Packs
Coordinate the sale of wrap pack supplies. Includes selecting a vendor, acquiring the lists for each grade level from the lead teacher, working with the selected vendor to get the best pricing, advertising wrap pack sale dates to parents, taking orders, and answering any parent questions. In August, work with the vendor to secure timely delivery. Coordinate volunteers to help distribute packs to the appropriate classrooms before school starts. Sell any extra wrap packs that were ordered at Meet the Teacher. Requires general knowledge of Treasurer's requirements for deposits, counting cash etc. Also requires working closely with the Treasurer to make sure sales tax is escrowed appropriately for sales that are not-tax free and working with the board to secure tax free sales date. This position reports to the VP Ways & Means.
Our CHE PTA has three designated volunteers that help plan, create and publish the Castle Hills Elementary yearbook each year. These CHE PTA members take photos at all key events and coordinate themed events to feature in the yearbook. There are also special free dedication sections for the 5th graders along with additional portraits of these students. The yearbooks are sold at the beginning of each school year online only, in October. Once they arrive in May, they are distributed to the students. This position reports to the School Support chairman.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
PTA Mission
PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.