School Enrichment Programs: Spring 2022
Enrichment classes are offered at the Castle Hills campus immediately after school by LISD-approved vendors. The programs are extra-curricular, with fees paid directly to the vendor, and students are escorted to and from classes by a teacher or instructor. WE ARE PAPERLESS and flyers will not be going home via folders.
Destination Imagination
An LISD sponsored activity, DI teams are managed by parent volunteers, and team DI solutions are entirely kid created. Teams should be formed in the Fall and will meet at the time and place of their choosing. The challenges are broken up by grade: K‐2nd or 3rd-5th. Teams will showcase their solutions at a tournament in early 2022, and will have the opportunity to advance to further levels. For more info, visit the Destination Imagination website or contact Stephanie Chandran, CHE DI Coordinator,
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How are vendors selected?
Vendors are pre-approved by LISD
2. When and where are programs held?
All programs are held immediately after-school (roughly 3pm-4pm) at CHE
3. Who puts on the programs?
The programs are extra-curricular, registered directly through the vendors’ (usually via their websites), and have costs associated that are paid directly to the vendor
4. How will my child get to the program?
Your child’s classroom teacher will take him or her to the program after the school day ends at 2:50
5. How does my child get to the pick-up location?
The enrichment teacher will take your child to the pick-up location that you specify after class. Parents are responsible for arranging pick-up of their child after class
6. Are all classes the same duration?
Classes vary in number of weeks and start/end dates, so please verify your dates!
Vendors should be contacted directly with program-specific questions. Melissa McHugh, CHE PTA - School Enrichment Coordinator, may also be contacted with general School Enrichment inquires at
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
PTA Mission
PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.