Veterans Stars Due to Teachers

FLAG of VETERANS - Stars due to your teacher, Friday November 2nd
We are very blessed to live in a country where we can enjoy so many freedoms.  Let’s thank a veteran this Veteran’s Day for helping to preserve the rights and liberties we enjoy in the United States!  This year we are going to be creating a “Flag of Veteran’s” at Castle Hills, to honor our family members and friends who have served or currently serving in the military.  
Veteran’s Day is Sunday, November 11th, 2018.  If you would like to honor someone we ask that you please have YOUR CHILD write the following on the star provided; Students Name, Veteran’s Name, Branch of Military and Veteran’s Relationship to the CHE Student.   If you need additional stars please ask your teacher, they will be given extras.  Once you have all the information on the star you can return it to your teacher and we will collect them. Please have all stars back to your teacher by Friday, November 2nd. We will be displaying the names on a flag in the hall near the cafeteria, through the month of November.  Please return any unused stars to your teacher.  
Friday, November 2, 2018

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PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

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