Coach Heath's Favorites


My Name
Response: Sharon Heath
Grade or Type of Faculty

What is your position?

Response: Physical Education
No Changes Required
My Birthday (month and day)
Response: 11/01
Response: Travel, Reading, Working Out, Cooking
Response: Pumpkin Seeds
Favorite Color(s)
Response: Blue/ Turquoise
From what store would you most like to receive a gift card (department stores, hobby stores, salon, etc)
Response: Amazon, Lululemon, Athlete, TJ Max, Dicks Sporting Goods, The Loft.
Favorite Restaurant
Response: Salad and Go, Chipotle, Cava, Grimaldi's,
Favorite Starbucks/Sonic Drink
Response: Grande Latte with one shot of espresso , no foam, no room. Fresh lemonade from Sonic
Favorite Flowers
Response: I love them all.
Favorite Food
Response: Meditarenian
Favorite Candy
Response: Ghiradeli Sea Salt Caramel.
Favorite Sweet Treats
Response: Chocolate.
Favorite Things To Drink
Response: Water, Fresh Lemonade
Favorite Fragrance (specify kind for lotions, candles, etc)
Response: Capri Blue-Volcano.
What items would you like for your classroom or office? From what store, website or catalog?
Response: Amazon gift cards to buy equipment for our gym.
What do you enjoy in your free time?
Response: Hiking, Trail Biking, Shopping, Reading.
Shirt Size
Response: M

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